Before we knew that image-only emails weren't the best way to produce email campaigns, we did. At the time, a popular method of creating emails started with slicing in Photoshop , anyone?), exporting the HTML code, and working from there. However, as we learned and evolved over time, we discovered that this was not the best method. In 2012, 90 million Americans used email on a mobile device. With the rise of mobile, we figured out how to work smarter. In this example from McDonald's in 2014, we see how they implemented some best practice techniques with alt text and background color, keeping the subscriber experience front and center.
Here's a side-by-side comparison to show enabled vs. disabled images. McDonald's Source: Email Design Review | ActionRocket The dominant theme: simplicity Although we see all of these things in emails today, they are more subtle and simpler than they were back then. In a nutshell, Lily explains that emails now have “much cleaner design, streamlined layouts with much less clutter, and larger fonts. Readability is now better taken into account. Overall, emails E-Commerce Photo Editing Service of the past tended to have a lot going on compared to the emails we see today. Working with cluttered layouts (legend boxes and navigation bars) just got a whole lot easier. It's nice to reminisce Remembering our past can make us aware of how much we have changed. And change is good, it's a sign that we are growing and evolving! Thank goodness email always changes , right? What comes to mind when Lily and Brian think of the 2010s?
“I'm a fan of the evolution of email, I definitely live in the present/future and don't look back. " lily setlily set “While I miss the simplicity of having fewer email clients to manage, I do miss the amount of testing that was required before Litmus. Being able to make small code changes and see the results on all email clients at once was a huge time saver. Brian ThiesBrian Thies Make sure your emails are perfect for change Email is constantly evolving, with over 15,000 different potential renderers, and counting. Make sure your emails are perfect for change. Protect your brand reputation in every email send by ensuring every send is on-brand and error-free in any inbox. Start your free trial →