It is only since the arrival of bluetooth low energy and very low-cost beacons such as ibeacon that we could hope for Nepal Phone Number List advancements in indoor positioning systems, and this has been the case. Companies like polestar or insiteo were among the first to enter this market, exploiting this new technology in combination with wifi. They were quickly followed by companies selling these beacons, such as kontakt or estimote, but the accuracy remained relatively low (5 meters) for very high installation and maintenance costs. The sometimes very Nepal Phone Number List relative notion of precision let's take a concrete example such as the running of an event in an exhibition center of several thousand square meters.
The expectations of a visitor are to be able to position themselves precisely within the show, while the expectations of a host, such as viparis, will be to be able to create precise maps of attendance, to assess attendance stand by stand. However, in this Nepal Phone Number List type of context, several stands sometimes share only a few square meters. We thus realize very quickly that offering an accuracy of 5m (ie an area of more than 75m2) can be of average use for a visitor who will know how to situate himself globally. Above all, it no longer provides any relevant information to either the Nepal Phone Number List exhibitor or the host, since it cannot precisely indicate the stand visited.
If we now consider a shopping center or a supermarket, the problem remains the same. The amount of useful information goes from a Nepal Phone Number List presence in a wide zone of the store grouping together many different products with a precision of 5m to a presence in a specific radius grouping only similar products if metric precision is offered. Reconciling user constraints, installation and maintenance costs as well as high precision remains a challenge today, 5 years after the arrival of the ibeacon protocol and 8 years after the appearance of bluetooth low energy. Use Nepal Phone Number List cases around precision geolocation as part of its strong desire to innovate and be at the forefront of new technologies, whether in data or in digital and iot with its innovation offer open.